Thursday, October 24, 2013


Approximately two weeks before Fanniversary..

Cape Town, South Africa. Along the coast line to the Indian Ocean: Gans Bay. This is where the majority of programming during the popular Shark Week on the Discovery Channel was filmed. A cage diving experience where sharks would stare at you face to face. The closest you could probably get without being eaten whole or at least having a sizable bite taken out of you. Justin Gabriel was a native of South Africa and no stranger to the experience. He was a confirmed thrill seeker and this certainly fell under the category. The procedure went something like this: after a twenty minute boat ride into the ocean you fit yourself into a narrow cage, submerge and have chum thrown in as well so within five minutes you are swarmed with great whites. Not something most people got to do every day. After completely the heart pounding ordeal, Justin laid flat on his back in a thick wet suit, staring up at the sun from behind his sunglasses. His phone was set to it's speaker function and a voice began to emit from it.

John Laurinaitis: "So, am I going to be able to get you to re-sign?"

Justin Gabriel: "You let my contract run out. You knew my deal was coming to a close. It's kind of your own fault. The company made me feel like I wasn't a priority so I'm surprised that we're having this call."

There was a hint of frustration in the South African's notable accent.

John Laurinaitis: "That was an oversight on my part. But I want you to come back."

Justin Gabriel: "John, no offense, but it's not as if there are actually any plans for me."

John Laurinaitis: "Girls love you. Guys love you. We can find a spot for you. It just takes time."

Justin Gabriel: "Yes, you've told me this before. About how I'm the "next Jeff Hardy without the face paint". But I was only working on Superstars or Main Event. Three minutes on Smackdown if I'm lucky."

John Laurinaitis: "We put you on Total Diva's".

There was an audible sigh.

Justin Gabriel: "Yeah. The overly scripted reality show. You had me go on and told me to hit on that poor nineteen year old girl. You told me this would get me a heel turn and a push and..we know how that went. I guess I'm partially to blame for going along with something like that but you and the writing staff broke their promise. So I got made to look like an asshole and didn't even get anything from it."

John Laurinaitis: "But it does respectable numbers on E."

In one ear and out the other. Just decided to press on.

Justin Gabriel: "I'm talking with EBWF. They want me on the opening match at Fanniversary against Daniel Bryan. One of THE best wrestlers on the planet. What do you guys have lined up for me? A dark match with someone on NXT? Not only do they want me to work with someone like Daniel Bryan, on a pay per view, but they also want me to have an entrance where I come down from the rafters."

John Laurinaitis: "..Why would they have you do that?"

Justin Gabriel: "John. Have you or Vince ever listened to me when we spoke? First. Gabriel. You know. Like an angel? And then there was the whole dare-devil thing I've been trying to push. Do you know what I'm doing right this second? Deep sea diving with sharks. I jump out of airplanes for fun, John."

John Laurinaitis: "So you're not going to resign?"

Justin Gabriel: "Good bye, John."

The call was ended after Justin reached over to tap the phone. After another phone call he was going to be bound for the EBWF, Fanniversary and the Wells Fargo Arena.


Someone was high above the ring and even seats where all the fans would jam themselves into on Sunday, October 27th. The rafters of the Wells Fargo Center in Pennsylvania. Justin Gabriel leaned down over a railing at a dizzying height that make might most people shake at the knee's. But it wasn't even enough to get a rush for him. A couple of footsteps could be heard drawing closer to him as he observed the view from above the arena.

Renee Young: "I doubt this is going to be the strangest place I've conducted an interview but at the moment it's up there. Certainly the highest! Welcome back to the EBWF, Justin Gabriel."

Justin Gabriel: "Glad to be back."

Justin looked over his shoulder and flashed a smile to the interviewer and her camera man.

Renee Young: "First things first, Justin. What do you hope to accomplish in this go around in the EBWF?"

Justin Gabriel: "That's simple. I've been a part of The Nexus and I've been a part of The Corre. I think it's time I stood on my own two feet and made a name for myself without having to rely on anyone else. I'm going to live or die on my own merits."

Renee Young: "Never let it be said that the EBWF offers newcomers or returnee's in easy first match. Because in our opening match at Fanniversary you are going to be facing off against the very dangerous Daniel Bryan. He has shown a very ruthless side to him as of late"

Justin Gabriel: "Daniel Bryan. He's a little mad, isn't he?"

Renee Young: "He..certainly has some issues to work through, yes."

Justin Gabriel: "I've seen his discussions with his therapist and I've seen what he's tried to do to..Trent? Am I saing that right?"

Renee Young: "Pretty spot on."

Justin Gabriel: "The point is that I realize that he's pretty deranged. That's obvious. But it doesn't at all take away from what he's able to do in the ring. I've been watching. When he attacked Trent? a couple of weeks ago I could see in his eyes that he's not someone to take lightly. An expert technician that has a few screws loose is a deadly combination. I respect everything he's capable of doing in the ring and everyone who has ever laced up a pair of boots know that he's one of the best in the business. There isn't a thing on the planet that I'm afraid of but being caught in that "No Lock" almost makes the hair on the back of my neck raise up. ..Yes Lock? No Lock? LaBell Lock whatever he decides to call it this week, I don't want any part of it. I'm going to do everything I can to avoid it and any of the other holds he has in his arsenal. The thing is, I think I've got a few moves of my own that I don't think he's going to be able to prepare for."

As if he was about to perform a spring board maneuver in the ring, Justin leaped onto the narrow railing in front of him. He spread his arms outwards to keep himself nice and balanced. Renee was understandably a little more than panicked.

Renee Young: "H-Hey! What are you doing?!"

Justin Gabriel: "Don't worry. I'm not jumping off. Yet. See what I said about not being prepared? This kind of thing creates a sort of euphoric feeling. You've really gotta try it sometime. Gets me into the zone and prepares me for a match. Makes me feel alive, you know?"

Renee Young: "Y-You really should get down."

Beaming another smile, Gabriel hopped down with ease. Renee and her camera operator became a little less not that he was back on something less harrowing.

Justin Gabriel: "Well, if I can't convince you to join me.."

Renee Young: "Alright, so I was told you're a daredevil but.."

Justin Gabriel: "Hey, some of us get off by screaming affirmative and negative exclamations and some of us are normal and like jumping out of and off high things. We're all different here. But one thing we all have in common is that we all like to make a good first impression and I plan on making one at Fanniversary. Daniel Bryan sort of acts like maniacal, comic book super villain so I'll balance him out by being a real life super hero. Trust, I'm capable of leaping small, explosively angry goat creatures in a single bound. He has me beat on the submission game but I haven't met a person yet who can get up after taking a 450 Splash. If and when I do hit that move, it's going to hurt, A LOT, and he's not kicking out. Big, small, barn yard doesn't matter. That is a guaranteed match ender. Flights of angels will not be singing Daniel Bryan to his rest. But this Archangel is going to make him feel like he went through absolute hell."

Although he had been mostly in high spirits and welcoming during the duration of the interview, Gabriel's face now held a look of stern determination. Renee gave him a cordial thanks for his words before departing. He returned to gazing down at arena from the highest point in the building.